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Many on-going projects involving over 70 volunteers since the year 2000........

Since SHARE was established in 2000, it was has become the vehicle for more than 70 trips to the Tigray region of Ethiopia to share healthcare advice, expertise and support. As a result SHARE now run multiple on-going projects involving a wide variety of volunteers. SHARE's projects include:

SHARE’s team of volunteers regularly visit the Tigray region of Ethiopia to share good practice with communities and healthcare professionals.

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In 2014, a feasibility study was performed at the microbiology laboratory in the Ayder Hospital. Since then many staff have visited and supported laboratory quality improvement projects. 

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SHARE’s dental health improvement projects first began following an assessment made in 2012 which identifies areas for improvement in the Ayder Dental Department.

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One of SHARE’s most influential figures, Sister Anne Russell, has been instrumental in the development of Infection Control Policies and Audits.

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We have been visiting and training staff in the Biomedical Engineering department at the Ayder Hospital since 2008.  IWith our help, the department has grown from one person with a poor profile, to now offering its own support for other similar departments in the region.

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Since 2010, SHARE has support the Elshadai Children’s Village which was founded to provide a safe, nurturing home for more than 160 children orphaned by civil war, famine and HIV/AIDs.

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Freedom Cycling Academy

Since 2016, SHARE has support Mulubran xx in setting up the Freedom Cycling Academy, helping children off the streets by training them to cycle.

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